Cancer is a growing cause of death in all developed and underdeveloped countries, Patients with malignancy have to deal with reduction in daily activity emotional changes altered mobility, concentration problems, and an overall reduction in cancer patient’s health status. The advancement in cancer care and treatment, cancer patients were remains unsatisfactory towards their care needs. Identifying the unmet needs finding the relation between unmet needs in cancer patients and patients satisfaction toward their provided care is essential to improve patient clinical outcome and quality of life of cancer patients. Methods –Non experimental descriptive survey design was used purposive sampling (n=129) at tertiary care Centre. Results – Most of participants were female (53.1%, n=128) age 41-59 (47.7%, n=128).rural residence (80.5%, n=128). The duration of illness (>1year). The study tool contains main 4 domains. The highest unmet needs score belonged psychological domain (78.9%). And activity daily living needs (59.4%). total unsatisfied (92.2%) satisfied (7.8%). there is relationship between patients satisfaction and unmet needs(r=0.688, p=0.05). Conclusion- Assessing unmet needs in cancer patients, is not a one time it needs continuous monitoring and evaluation Study concluded that cancer patients in tertiary care hospital are having unmet needs and they were having dissatisfaction towards their unmet needs. Satisfaction with overall communication with medical professionals.