Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere (MST) Radar Signal using Discrete wavelet Transform with Overlapping Group Shrinkage

  • Potladurty Suresh Babu Auricle Technologies
  • Dr. G. Sreenivasulu Auricle Technologies


Nowadays one of the common challenges faced by the

Communication engineers/data analysts are to remove the noise and to estimate a better version of the signal, termed as “Denoising”. This paper proposes a new method called Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) with Overlapping Group Shrinkage (OGS) to show signs of improvement of the signal. The algorithm is evaluated with help of parameters like Signal to Noise (SNR) ratio and variance. To test the fitness of the calculation, a predominant case was considered with SNR from -20 dB to 0 dB. Even at these least SNRs also the algorithm efficiently reproduced the signal with minimal loss. Initially, the algorithm is tested with a heavy sine signal with input SNRs ratios of the above said range, and then the same algorithm was implemented on RADAR signals taken from Indian Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere (MST) RADAR, Situated at National Atmospheric Research laboratory (NARL), Gadanki, India.

 Index terms: Custom Thresholding, Denoising, DWT, Improved Thresholding. MST Radar data, Overlapping Group Shrinkage (OGS,Signal to Noise (SNR).

How to Cite
Babu, P. S., & Sreenivasulu, D. G. (2019). Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere (MST) Radar Signal using Discrete wavelet Transform with Overlapping Group Shrinkage. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(9), 133 - 136. Retrieved from