Implementation of IPFS in DistributedDB-MongoDB and DynamoDB

  • Niranjanamurthy M , Niveditha N M , Arpitha D R, Shwethashree


            InterPlanetary File System is a network protocol like HTTP. Used to transfer data across the web servers as just like HTTP. But the difference here is, it transfers the data’s through a peer-to-peer decentralized network. A distributed database is a database it can be attached to a common processor, not all storage devices. MongoDB Open-source document-oriented database programs. The information entity is kept as individual documents inner side a library — first of keeping the information into the columns and rows of a traditional-relational-database. DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service to provide fast-predictable performance with Scalability. It launches clients' high-availability, reliableness, and enlarging scalability, with no extent on dataset measure or calls output for a given table. This paper shows the implementation of the InterPlanetary File System in distributed database applications MongoDB and DynamoDB

How to Cite
Niranjanamurthy M , Niveditha N M , Arpitha D R, Shwethashree. (2020). Implementation of IPFS in DistributedDB-MongoDB and DynamoDB. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5s), 809 - 817. Retrieved from