The Behavior of Exclusive Breastfeeding after Earthquake and Liquefaction in Palu City

  • Rasyika Nurul Fadjriah, Herman, Vidyanto, Dhini Shintya Putri, Bohari


This study aimed to determine the behavior of exclusive breastfeeding after earthquake and liquefaction in Palu City. The research used a qualitative research method with a case study approach conducted at the Working Area of Sanguara Palu City Public Health Center in 2019 after 5 months after the disaster. Data collection used in-depth interview and the analysis used qualitative content analysis. The results showed that mothers' knowledge related to exclusive breastfeeding was low and still at the knowing stage. The attitude of the mother towards exclusive breastfeeding was good, although it was still in the stage of responding. There were no breastfeeding tents available at the refugee camp. Formula milk aid was often found in refugee camps. The formula milk had prevented exclusive breastfeeding at the disaster site. The role of the health worker was quite good, but the role of the family was less supportive in exclusive breastfeeding.

How to Cite
Rasyika Nurul Fadjriah, Herman, Vidyanto, Dhini Shintya Putri, Bohari. (2020). The Behavior of Exclusive Breastfeeding after Earthquake and Liquefaction in Palu City. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5s), 805 - 808. Retrieved from