State Defense Awareness Program and Strengthening of Student Character

  • Dedi Suhardi, Aan Komariah, Dedy Achmad Kurniady


The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the Strengthening of Character education through the State Defense Awareness Program at Higher education. The research method used was a quantitative method with a questionnaire instrument, study documentation, and limited interviews and observations to illustrate the existence of the two research variables. Study samples, namely 246 students who participated in the State Defense Awareness Program activities in Health Education in Bandung City. The results of the study showed that strengthening of character education had been carried out by higher education which was implemented with three dimensions namely class-based, campus culture-based and community-based. However, in its implementation the community had not yet optimally provided support for the strengthening of character education, this has led to higher education to strengthen cooperation with the community in implementing character education, especially in the implementation of the State Defense Awareness Program. Through the State Defense Awareness Program, students are recognized to be able to increase patriotism, national consciousness, belief in Pancasila as an ideology of the state, willing to sacrifice for the state, have the basic ability of State defense so that it becomes part of increasing student characteristics.

How to Cite
Dedi Suhardi, Aan Komariah, Dedy Achmad Kurniady. (2020). State Defense Awareness Program and Strengthening of Student Character. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5s), 726 - 734. Retrieved from