The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Self-Efficacy on Employees’ Organizational Commitment

  • Yuki Fitria, Muthia Roza Linda, Sutiyem, Suheri, Thesa Alif Ravelby


This study aimed to analyze: 1) how job satisfaction influenced organizational commitment of PT Semen Padang employees; and 2) what the effect of self-efficacy on organizational commitment of PT Semen Padang employees was. This type of study was a causative study, which is a study that aims to see to what extent the independent variable affects the dependent variable. The population in this study was employees of PT Semen Padang, with a total of 99 research samples. Research data were collected through questionnaires. After the data had passed validity test and normality test, then the data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with the aid of the IBM SPSS version 24. The results of this study showed that: 1) job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment of employees of PT Semen Padang, and 2) self-efficacy had a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment of PT Semen Padang employees. The value of R square was 0.483 which means that the independent variables simultaneously had the effect on the dependent variable in this study as much as 31.6%, while the other 68.4% were determined by other factors not examined in this study.

How to Cite
Yuki Fitria, Muthia Roza Linda, Sutiyem, Suheri, Thesa Alif Ravelby. (2020). The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Self-Efficacy on Employees’ Organizational Commitment. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 7383 - 7392. Retrieved from