The Effect of Organic Content on Durability and Unconfined Compressive Strength Test of Clay Shale in Bawen, Semarang

  • Bambang Pardoyo, Kresno Wikan Sadono, Abdul Haris Baihaqi, Septiawan Pambudi


Clay shale is a member of sedimentary rocks that susceptible to changes of environment, weather, and organic substances in the mineral soil of clay shale and easily moldy. This study was committed to know the effect of organic content on durability andunconfined compressive strength test of clay shale soil. The methodology of this study included physical, mechanical, and rock testing. The results of physical test on the parameters atterberg limit found that the sample included in the type of clay soil and for the ratio of dried oven dried limit and not oven dried > 0 ,75. The conclusion of physical in Atterberg test was clay shale soil as inorganic with high plasticity, as well as loss on ignition test as inorganic.  Meanwhile, the measurement of a less alkali pH, free swell and a mineral salt. The samples of L, Land L5 have medium swell potential and Land Lhave high swell potential, the higher salt element, the higher free swell higher free swel. Based on the test on mechanical was such as unconfined compressive strength, categorized as the solid soil. On the other hand, the slake durability test is classified as very low durability.

How to Cite
Bambang Pardoyo, Kresno Wikan Sadono, Abdul Haris Baihaqi, Septiawan Pambudi. (2020). The Effect of Organic Content on Durability and Unconfined Compressive Strength Test of Clay Shale in Bawen, Semarang. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 6996 - 7003. Retrieved from