A Review of Various Data Compression Techniques for Secured Data Transfer

  • Aarti Pandey


This paper presents a review kind of data compression techniques. Data compression is widely used by the community because through a compression we can save storage. Data compression can also speed up a transmission of data from one person to another. In performing a compression requires a method of data compression that can be used, the method can then be used to compress a data. Data that can be compressed not only text data but can be images and video. This paper explains how a method works in doing a compression and explains which method is well used in doing a data compression in the form of text. The output generated in doing a can be known through the compression file size that becomes smaller than the original file.

How to Cite
Pandey, A. (2019). A Review of Various Data Compression Techniques for Secured Data Transfer. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 26(2), 06 - 10. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/738