Moderating Role of Security and Reliability on high customer satisfaction: Relationship among Ease of Use-Content-Service Quality with respect to Customer Satisfaction in Digital Banking Transactions
The purpose of this empirical research study was to study the various factors and its impact on customer satisfaction in digital banking sector. The research also elevates the moderation effect of security and content between various factors (ease of use, banking policies, reliability, services and interaction) on customer satisfaction. Used a structured a research instrument to gather the data from 500 plus sample respondents of various bank users in SPSR Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh. The data was validated with crone Bach’s alpha reliability test and model was validated with structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis. The model reveals about apart from various factors and its impact on customer satisfaction along with the impact of the mediating variables: security and content understanding on customer satisfaction in Digital Banking. The outcome of the research reveals that various factors: ease of use, banking policies, reliability, services and interaction of the bankers is showing major impact on customer satisfaction followed by security and content. The limitations of the study in terms of the location restricted to SPSR Nellore District and study strengthened with various literatures of digital banking customer satisfaction in India. The findings of the study will be helpful to assist the customers for better customer satisfaction in Digital Banking Industry. This study provides new insights about previously unknown effects of customer satisfaction in Digital Banking.