COVID – 19: Current Pandemic and Its Societal Impact

  • Dr Varsha Agarwal, Prof. Sunitha B K


The ongoing COVID -19 is an ongoing pandemic started in December, 2019 in Wuhan, China and was declared as pandemic by WHO on 11th March, 2020. Till 16th March more than 169,000 cases were reported and over 140 countries were affected. The major outbreak was in China, South Korea, Iran and Europe. 6,500 people already died and more than 76,000 have recovered from the disease. The purpose of study is to focus on present situation of COVID – 19 and its societal impact on international community. Strong measures were taken to reduce outbreak: personal precautionary measures: using face-masks, hand hygiene and self-quarantine; environmental measures: as surface cleaning and community measures: closing of schools and colleges for social distancing, cancelling large gatherings and participation in public events.  In Wuhan, central authorities implemented ban on transportation on 23 January. Due to coronavirus outbreak, xenophobia, heightened prejudice, racism and cases of suspicion, fear and hostility have been reported by Chinese people in many countries, such as North America, Europe and Asia Pacific region. Another major impact of disease outbreak is cancellation of major events in film industry, sports and other industries. Many concerts, music festivals, fashion shows and conferences were cancelled or postponed. Governments have closed temporarily all schools, country wide to limit the spread of coronavirus and as on 14 March, approximately 420 million children are not attending school. Several instance of essential goods supply shortage, panic buying, logistic operations, increased usage of personal hygiene equipment occurred due to coronavirus outbreak. There are almost 91,000 active cases in 73 countries and many restrictions on social and economic activities which has a negative impact on consumer spending and supply chain across the globe. Hence, impact of COVID – 19 will be significant.

How to Cite
Prof. Sunitha B K, D. V. A. (2020). COVID – 19: Current Pandemic and Its Societal Impact. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5s), 432 - 439. Retrieved from