Influence of Educational Games on Children's Intelligence

  • Suyitno, Lusi Rachmiazasi Masduki, Vera Septi Andrini, Moh. Mahbub, Achmad Buchori


Children are the most valuable treasure in the world. Every child has a role in living a life that has been given. Children's daily activities can be seen in how the child plays and learns. Every child has a different level of intelligence. It can be seen from the way the child's behavior and the way the child responds to every activity that has been given. Several things can improve children's intelligence, one of them by providing educational games. An educational game is a game that can educate and improve the ability of brain function in children. The game will be trained on how children think to find a solution that is being faced. Educational games can provide an understanding of the logic of thinking. Educational games can provide a child's perspective on facing difficult situations. The influence of this game can educate children so as not to experience panic if faced with a condition where a person is experiencing problems or cornered by a particular case. It can be proven that the role of educational games can improve children's intelligence in thinking. Parents can provide educational games so that their children can improve their thinking abilities and intelligence. By applying educational games to children, parents have been helped in getting smart and healthy children. However, in providing educational games, young people must be able to choose which educational games are appropriate to be made an excellent choice to avoid the adverse effects of the game.

How to Cite
Achmad Buchori, S. L. R. M. V. S. A. M. M. (2020). Influence of Educational Games on Children’s Intelligence. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 1646 - 1652. Retrieved from