Design and Analysis of Circularly Polarized Dual Element MIMO Antenna with DGS for Satellite Communication, Fixed mobile, ISM, and Radio Navigation Applications

  • S Salma, Habibulla Khan,B T P Madhav, K R V Narasimha Reddy,D Mahidhar, D Ram Sandeep, M C Rao


            In this paper a dual element compact size Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) antenna is proposed for satellite communication, Fixed mobile, ISM and Radio navigation applications, which are presented and experimentally validated. The proposed MIMO antenna has a footprint of 20mm×40mm and is fabricated on FR-4 substrate with relative permittivity of 4.4 and loss tangent value of 0.02 and having a thickness of 1.6mm. The patch contains two radiating elements with inverted L slots to achieve high isolation and resonate at lower frequency bands of fixed mobile and ISM band applications. The ground structure is iterated with full, half, step size ground structure to achieve lower operating bands and circular polarization. The performance of the antenna was evaluated in terms of reflection coefficient, radiation patterns, surface current distributions and axial ratios.

How to Cite
D Ram Sandeep, M C Rao, S. S. H. K. T. P. M. K. R. V. N. R. M. (2020). Design and Analysis of Circularly Polarized Dual Element MIMO Antenna with DGS for Satellite Communication, Fixed mobile, ISM, and Radio Navigation Applications. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 1982 - 1994. Retrieved from