Ophthalmic Manifestations in Head and Neck Malignancies: A Cross Sectional Study

  • V. H. Karambelkar, Mit mehta


Background and Aim: The ophthalmic involvement was quite often in head and neck malignancies as eye being a structure in the head and neck region; thereof ocular manifestations are most common in the practice of oncology and ophthalmology. Thus, this study was aimed to estimate the prevalence of ophthalmic manifestations in patients with head and neck malignancies; primary as well as metastases from other various primary malignancies.

How to Cite
Mit mehta, V. H. K. (2020). Ophthalmic Manifestations in Head and Neck Malignancies: A Cross Sectional Study. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 1370 - 1375. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/6866