A future research scope: Survey on an artificial interactive agent

  • Chithra Apoorva D.A, Dr. Brahmananda S H


An artificial interactive agent is a software program, which presents a way to interact with computer systems, using text dialogue or spoken dialogue for information access, creation and processing. The purpose of the interactive agent is to provide the interaction between the human and services improving the customer experience and optimizing the efficiency and by decreasing the cost of customer service. Interactive agents design approach typically involves intent classification entity extraction and action or response. Practically interactive agent can be implemented in the fields like insurance investments, wedding planning, travel agent, hospitals if a real estate business, education, consultant, legal guidance,etc. Main objective of any artificial interactive agent is to communicate in the same way as we could communicate with other human beings. Any sentence taken as an import by what should be wisely understood and a response will be generated or an action will be performed. Q and A system will give a response for the input sentence. It uses pattern matching techniques. Interactive agent gives for response and also perform a set of actions on the input sentence. To understand the import sentence and to perform an action intent classification and entity or entity extraction are done. This is done by using natural language processing in NLP and natural language understanding NLU. IA are evolving Technologies. Utilization of IA will gradually increase in the future. In this paper we discuss and compare the variety of interactive agents. We discuss high level architecture and we put light on the platforms and development frameworks of IA and also uncover few advantages and disadvantages which are helpful for research work.

How to Cite
Dr. Brahmananda S H, C. A. D. (2020). A future research scope: Survey on an artificial interactive agent. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 6158 - 6166. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/6744