Vehicle Density Detection with Vehicle Identification and Automation Using Raspberry Pi

  • Nitesh More,Dr.S.P.Godse , Anuja Surana, Pragati Patil, Shubham Kamble


Now a days we see lot of issues around us one of which is traffic jam. There are many reasons for traffic jam one of which is red light delay. This project is about taking images of the vehicle in traffic and controlling the traffic signal utilizing raspberry micro controller. This project will help in controlling traffic jams to some extent. Micro controller applied in the system is Raspberry pi. For detection of traffic density, camera will be placed on the road through which the density of vehicles will be calculated. By considering the density the signal will change accordingly. This system includes three LEDs which can be set up according to the density. Here traffic density is detected using image processing. Canny detection is employed to detect the sides of an object and consistent with the no objects traffic density are often detected.

How to Cite
Shubham Kamble, N. M. , A. S. P. P. (2020). Vehicle Density Detection with Vehicle Identification and Automation Using Raspberry Pi. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 1158 - 1163. Retrieved from