Stock Market Prediction Using Sentiment Analysis

  • Nitin N. Sakhare, Dr. S. Sagar Imambi, Saif Kagad, Taha Kapadwanjwala, Hrishikesh Malekar, Mayur Dalal


In the financial market, stock trends are exceptionally crucial and volatile in nature. As of late it has drawn the consideration of specialists to catch its unpredictability and foreseeing its patterns with the goal that it will be simpler for financial specialists and market examiners to analyze the behavior of the stock market and plan their investment venture procedures in like manner. There are many factors by which stock trends are affected some of them are news articles, news related websites like Money control, Business-standard, Twitter, Economic Times.  This paper is concerned with Stock Market Prediction using Sentiment Analysis. At the point when a client or another comer puts into a securities exchange, they need to accomplish higher benefits in brief timeframe. With less measure of information they have, the way toward accomplishing higher benefit gets extremely troublesome. In some cases this circumstance regularly makes a greater number of misfortunes/losses to clients instead of benefit/profits. Out of the considerable number of books offering significant exhortation to explore papers deciding numerical forecast models, the stock market has constantly been a significant center of fascination for public and academic interest. Different publications propose procedures with best benefits, while others show the arbitrary and wrong conduct of offer costs. At times taking help of skilled stock analyst can be very costly for small companies and start ups, as they charge a very high price. Stock prices aren’t really based on how a company works. It’s based on how mass psychology works. . Stock market prediction is the act of trying to determine the future value of any stock the user or client is. In this paper about our project we have explained how we can predict the rise in stock market and downfall of stock market through various web sites using classification and prediction algorithms.

How to Cite
Hrishikesh Malekar, Mayur Dalal, N. N. S. D. S. S. I. S. K. T. K. (2020). Stock Market Prediction Using Sentiment Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 1126 - 1133. Retrieved from