• Dr.R. Jeyanthi


Teaching modules are usually conceptualized as self-contained "units" of content or technique.. A flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. In this paper the researcher prepared module for flipped classroom is a sample the module encompasses with four days pre class room content and in classroom activities. This paper shows that teaching poetry through flipped classroom method is highly effective. The flipped classroom environment stimulates the students to participate the classroom activity interestingly. It eliminates the boredom of in class hours. It is self-way student centric method and the students are the active participants in this method. There are no passive listeners found in the class, activity grab the student’s attention. It promotes curiosity and excitement around the learners to seek the critical awareness of the content. This sample module tested on the integrated B.Ed students with poetry content. Now a day the students are spending more times with their mobile phones with internet facility. The teachers should use this opportunity and direct to the students in the right path.

How to Cite
Jeyanthi, D. (2020). MODULE PREPARATION FOR FLIPPED CLASSROOM – A SAMPLE. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 771 - 777. Retrieved from