Analysis of Data falsification in Cognitive Radio Scenarios from Secondary User Viewpoints

  • Ajay. V. P
  • Nesasudha. M


Cognitive capabilities of Radio Networks have proved beneficial in real time applications like Emergency broadcast systems, Communication infrastructure management and QoS improvement for existing network structures. Now the need for spectrum management in IoT applications is also researched by various sections of the Scientific Community. Decision algorithms for spectrum handover, inclusion of new IoT Devices for connectivity, malicious node identification and throughput studies are also extended for IoT studies. This study includes the probability of malicious node access to available spectrum services and their impact on the total system. Sample Primary User environment with secondary IoT CR nodes against malicious node activities are measured. Allocation Report falsification to gain access for malicious users is substantially averted with the proposed scheme.

How to Cite
P, A. V., & M, N. (2019). Analysis of Data falsification in Cognitive Radio Scenarios from Secondary User Viewpoints. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(8), 577 - 586. Retrieved from