Customer Satisfaction & Customer Loyalty towards Online Buying
Over the last few decades, shopping on the web has become the most convenient method, as it is an “At Home shopping” method, at any time, with highest level of brand awareness and easy payment options. This study is basically about the satisfaction and loyalty level of a customer, during a purchase over the internet. Primary data has been collected and analyzed. The analysis clearly signifies that the respondents, who purchase online, feel enthusiastic in the purchase and they also fear online purchase. They enjoy online shopping due to its advantages like, easy to use, purchase from home, door delivery and the transaction methods. At the same time they feel high risk towards the financial transaction and manipulated products. Structural Equation Modeling is a statistical technique for testing and estimating relationships amongst variables, using a combination of statistical data and qualitative causal assumptions. This paper analyzed the causal relationship of motivation to online purchase over risk and benefits, risk and benefits on enjoyment, enjoyment on uses & usefulness, uses & usefulness satisfaction & loyalty using structural equation models (SEM) with observed and latent variables. The result of the study showed that the Goodness of Fitness Indices is having perfect fit.