Differential Subordination for Certain Analytic Function in the Upper Half-Plane

  • C. Ramachandran
  • T. Soupramanien


Many articles focus with differential subordination for analytic function in the unit disk, but only a few article deals with the upper half-plane. There has been no work in this area for the past one decade. The present paper aim is to investigate differential subordination for certain analytic function in the upper half-plane associated by suitable class of admissible functions. Though this concept is an unique path in the field of Geometric function theory, it will prove to be an ebullient future study for young researchers on upper half plane.

How to Cite
Ramachandran, C., & Soupramanien, T. (2019). Differential Subordination for Certain Analytic Function in the Upper Half-Plane. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(8), 563 - 571. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/586