The Use of Natural Resources in Southern Kalimantan for the Development of Student Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is an activity of managing a business to produce valuable value for life. The entrepreneurship development program at the Sari Mulia University campus is designed by drawing closer to the development of potential local resources that can be used for human health and also as a business field for students. One of the natural resources developed in this entrepreneurship program activity is the Kelakai. The Kelakai plant is a type of fern that grows in swampy land. The people of South Kalimantan use this plant as a medicine to cure anemia and increase the volume of breast milk for postpartum mothers. In this program the plants are processed into healthy and nutritious food and beverage products for all people. The products of the kelakai plants are tea kelakai, meatball kelakai, chips kelakai, and masks or cream kream. This product is processed by lecturers and students by utilizing existing technology and marketed through social media. It is hoped that this product can improve the degree of public health and increase the value of business for students to be used as a start in entrepreneurship training.