Non Functional Requirements Analysis using Data Analytics

  • Naina Handa
  • Dr. Anil Sharma
  • Dr. Amardeep Gupta


Requirementsplay a significant part in Software Development Life Cycle. The Functional and Non Functional Requirementsare bothsimilarly significant in development of software. Mostly Requirements are written in Natural Language. The extraction of Requirement from the Software Requirement report is a difficult assignment. The different Machine Learning techniques like Supervised, Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised are used for extracting the NFRs. The presentation of the distinctive methodology is estimated as far as Precision, Recall and F-measure. Furthermore, the researcher have explored the diverse datasets like User Reviews, Health related data, Open Source Software Data and Promise Repository. The different Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques have explored by researchers for efficient NFRs extraction.

How to Cite
Handa, N., Sharma, D. A., & Gupta, D. A. (2019). Non Functional Requirements Analysis using Data Analytics. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 27, 383 - 393. Retrieved from