Optimizing Educational Innovation through Problem-based Learning: How Experiential Learning Approach works in Literacy and Language Development
For a sustainable and successful society, students are expected to be pioneers in problem solving as a major skill in this globalised world. Though this is needed, the prevailing situation has revealed that today, students lack abilities in problem solving. This literature review is expected to generate a picture of the use of problem-based learning (PBL) to train students to be problem solvers based on the experience of researching the languages and arts of the Indonesian archipelago containing philosophical values that are almost extinct at this time. By writing, students are expected to deepen their perceptions, to solve problems, to develop a sequence of experiences, and to contribute intelligence to the development of languages and arts of the Indonesian archipelago. Writing has become so difficult for most students. Based on the observation on the students’ writing ability, there are three problems: the lack ability of composing sentences, mastery of spelling, and lack of understanding in the development of written ideas. The research employed quasi experiment research method with quantitative approach. The quantitative approach is used to obtain a description of the students' ability to examine language and art that contain philosophical values and then pour the results into writing. In addition, this study also used a qualitative approach to describe the students' profile data in writing literacy. To obtain research data, the research used test instruments, observation sheets, interviews, and questionnaires.