Character Transformation through Sports Achievement: A Naturalistic Study of Athletes in South Kalimantan

  • Herita Warni


This research focuses on the development of sport achievement which will develop strong character in athletes. It uses qualitative approach and grounded theory as the method of the research. The findingsand results of the research are: (1) Strong character comes from five universal values; discipline, truth, individuality and self-esteem, determination, and caring. (2) Sport, as a medium to develop character, integrates character education values in the process of sport achievement development; therefore, strong character is an inclusive aspect of personality, not a secondary effect of values. (3) Transformation of strong character takes a long time; and can be done through habituation, encouraging motivation and rulereinforcement, in sport development.(4) Understanding the values of sport not only offers the value of competitive and winning spirit but also brings the value of friendship, peaceful, truth, integrity and strength; nevertheless, the lack of such understanding will weaken these values. (5) There seems to be a very close relationship between the sport achievement in wrestling with competitive and local wisdom of Banjar people. (6) Most Banjar wrestlers tend to come from families with similar background.

How to Cite
Warni, H. (2019). Character Transformation through Sports Achievement: A Naturalistic Study of Athletes in South Kalimantan. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(8), 373 - 382. Retrieved from