Effectiveness of Counseling on Quality Of Life among the Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

  • Ajanta M. Kirhe, Dr. Mahadeo B. Shinde, Mrs. Nitanjali Vaibhav Patil


Ischemic heart disease and stroke are the predominant causes and are responsible for >80 % deaths due to cardiovascular disease. 272 per 100000 population is Global death rate due to cardiovascular disease. Patients with coronary artery disease generally have a good prognosis for survival, making Quality of life even more important. Therefore, Quality of life is an essential measure to impact the disease; psychological and social functioning domain is most important domain along with physical function. Counseling will improve the quality of life among the patients with coronary heart disease, which can reduce the depressive and anxious symptoms among the patients CHD. With an objective to assess the quality of life among patients with coronary heart disease before and after intervention. To find an association between  quality of life with selected demographic variables. Method: quantitative,  non-experimental research approach was used. one group pre-test and post-test design. The setting was Krishna Hospital and Research Center , Karad. 50 patients selected by convenient sampling technique with modified  questionnaire pretest and post test was taken by giving counseling. Results: The calculated paired’ value t=14.493. This indicates that the effect of counseling on quality life is statistically significant p value= < 0.0001 levels. There for the counseling on quality of life on is effective in improving the quality of life of patients with coronary heart disease. Conclusion:  study concluded that the counseling was an effective to improve the quality of life among patients with coronary heart disease. 

How to Cite
Shinde, Mrs. Nitanjali Vaibhav Patil, A. M. K. D. M. B. (2020). Effectiveness of Counseling on Quality Of Life among the Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3s), 481 - 486. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/5658