Implementation of high altitude platform system to improve independence and nation competitiveness in the field of defense telecommunication technology

  • Januar Arief Martharaharja, Irdam Ahmad,Eko Bambang Wibowo , Roedyarto Dihardjo


This article will explain the concept of implementing High Altitude Platforms (HAPS) as the Main Backbone of military telecommunications in Indonesia. In the scientific map, this study is mainly included in defence science and defence technology in minor contexts which are within the scope of the field of sensing study in the subfield of remote sensing. This research uses exploratory research methods with a qualitative approach. Research data were collected using literature studies and analyzed with qualitative techniques consisting of three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study explain the factors of information security, signalling, regulatory requirements, topology, and cost factors needed to implement HAPs in the military realm to enhance national defence.

How to Cite
Roedyarto Dihardjo, J. A. M. I. A. B. W. ,. (2020). Implementation of high altitude platform system to improve independence and nation competitiveness in the field of defense telecommunication technology. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3s), 395 - 403. Retrieved from