Strength of Bricks Prepared By Using Lime, Rice Husk Ash and Quarry Dust
Burnt clay bricks are very much commonly used in the construction sector. But, in the present day
scenario, where the construction segment is in a stance of using creative and robust materials, the
conventional bricks usage can be surpassed, keeping in view, both the cost and environment protection.
In this paper, an attempt is made to study the strength of bricks produced by using lime, Rice Husk Ash
and quarry dust. The lime quantity is varied between 12% - 30%, whereas, rice husk ash is maintained
at 15% and quarry dust at 53%. Properties like water absorption, compressive strength along with
evaluation of size and shape are determined as per the codal provisions of Indian Standard
Specification. All the specimens made out of different proportions are cured and tested at the
appropriate age. Graphical representations of the results are also presented for the various
compressive strengths determined for the bricks produced from Lime + RHA + Quarry Dust.