Home Automation for Differently Abled People

  • Dr. A. Rajendran, S. Vishnu Prashanth, G. Prashanth, D. Lokesh


In recent trends the automation changes the way of life and the most challenging part is designing a system for differently abled and elderly people and bring them close to technology in an affordable and useful manner so it could be beneficial in self sustaining of homes .In this paper we deal with various test cases and focus on image processing and presence of human as the main objective to enhance the way of lives of individuals in an very practical and easy way that it could reach every person who is in need of dependency.We are using microwave radar sensors for human detection and Infrared for object detection and pre - defined test cases for gesture recognition and all are integrated using ATmega 2560 an arduino based micro controller for more precision and perfect results for an error free and fast responding system

How to Cite
D. Lokesh, D. A. R. S. V. P. G. P. (2020). Home Automation for Differently Abled People. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 4067 -. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/5161