Effect of Maternal BMI During 1st Trimester on Birth Weight of New Born.

  • Mrs. Nitanjali Vaibhav Patil et al.


LBW is public health problem globally and is associated with short-term and long-term
consequences. With an objectives to study the maternal BMI and effect of BMI on birth weight of new
born, to find an association between maternal BMI and birth weight of new born. Methodology
Prospective Research design with Observational approach used. Consecutive sampling technique was
used. Ethical clearance was obtained from KIMS ethics committee. Results: out of 124 full term
delivered 50(40.32%) LBW and 74(59.68%) NBW. There was high proportion of LBW was in young
age (17-20years) and in adulthood (17-30years & above). Underweight(BMI- <18.50) during 1st
trimester of pregnancy shows significantly high proportion of LBW indicates BMI in 1st trimester was
significantly associated with birth weight of new born χ2 Value =202.71, p value= <0.0001. High
proportion of female babies were with LBW compared to male babies. Weight gain was significantly
associated with birth weight. Conclusion There was significant association seen between study
parameters with birth weight of new born.

How to Cite
et al., M. N. V. P. (2020). Effect of Maternal BMI During 1st Trimester on Birth Weight of New Born. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 1235-1240. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/5103