Development and Testing Of Conceptual Model on Women Empowerment

  • Dr. V. Uma Maheswari et al.


This paper dwells on the development of a conceptual model on women empowerment by considering the
factors namely career and educational choices, financial independence, social and personal factors. The
conceptual model assumes that when women are given freedom in choosing their educational streams
and career, then this will lead to financial independence. When they are financially independent, then
they also have freedom in their personal and social life. The conceptual model was tested with PLS SEM
using Smart PLS 3. The result confirms that the freedom in career and educational choices lead to
financial independence which in turn leads to freedom in their personal and social life

How to Cite
et al., D. V. U. M. (2020). Development and Testing Of Conceptual Model on Women Empowerment. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 3488 - 3493. Retrieved from