Motivation and Mindset of Indonesian Society to Work Abroad

  • Mukarto Siswoyo, Siti Khumayah, Dharliana Harjowikarto


This study aims to describe the motivation and mindset of family or society in Indonesia in their desire to work abroad as an unskilled worker, which is commonly referred to as Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI). To answer this, a study was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods, using primary data sources selected through purposive sampling with a triangulation approach and data collection through observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this study show that the limitations of education and poverty build the motivation of the society to take steps that are considered easy and fast to collect dollar, which is done by working abroad. Moreover, when the dollar exchange rate has been exchanged to Indonesian rupiah, the dollar generates a large amount of rupiah. However, this easy-to-get income can grow and change the new mindset of society, which is consumptive thinking.

How to Cite
Dharliana Harjowikarto, M. S. S. K. (2020). Motivation and Mindset of Indonesian Society to Work Abroad. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 2811- 2816. Retrieved from