Moment Resistance Curve of Laminated Bamboo Connection with Various Plate Connectors under Monotonic Loading

  • I G L B Eratodi, P Budiarnaya, I G N N Wismantara


Moment resistance of bamboo lamination joint is semi-empirically analyzed by considering the experimental results of various dikarter (punched)plate connector-bolt connections and the energy conservation principle. Laminated bamboo is a product that can act as substitution material of timber. In the analysis, experimental load-slip response plate connector-bolt connection is approximated by exponential and bi-linear models. Verification of the proposed models is carried out through full scale test that monotonically loaded by a pure moment. Four-point bending test was applied on beam moment connection of laminated bamboo structure with plate connector 8 mm thick and 12.2 mm diameter bolts. Bamboo specimens of Petung, split dimension 5×20 mm2, cold pressure 1.5-2.0 MPa, with pre-stressed bolts of 0.5 MPa-1,00 MPa and two various plate connector fasteners are implemented in both laminated bamboo-steel-to-laminated bamboo connections. Experimental results show dikarter plate connector fasteners that have long distance along the grain between bolts gives high moment capacity, high ductility, and high rotational stiffness. Laminated bamboo-dikarter plate-to-laminated bamboo connections have higher moment resistance and higher ultimate joint rotation than laminated bamboo-steel-to-laminated bamboo. Punched plate connector fasteners gave contribution higher friction than steel connector. It indicated that the dikarter plate connector contributed greater dissipation energy.

How to Cite
I G N N Wismantara, I. G. L. B. E. P. B. (2020). Moment Resistance Curve of Laminated Bamboo Connection with Various Plate Connectors under Monotonic Loading. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 2673-2680. Retrieved from