Relationship among Organizational Culture, Organizational Learning and Employees’ Morale in the Industrial Sector

  • Deepika et. al


Abstract : This paper demonstrates interrelationship among organizational culture, organizational learning and employee morale in the industrial sector at global level. The paper consists of various sections commencing with a concise introduction of variables, comprehensive review, conclusion and discussions, managerial implications and direction for forthcoming research have been mentioned. Study of literature review has shown that there is an association among organizational culture, organizational learning and employee morale. Organizational culture is one of the factor influence organizational learning and morale among employees of the organization. For becoming a competitive business entity in dynamic era, it should create a well compatible culture at the workplace for enhancing learning and morale among employees.

How to Cite
et. al, D. (2020). Relationship among Organizational Culture, Organizational Learning and Employees’ Morale in the Industrial Sector. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2974 - 2992. Retrieved from