The Association between Intranet Quality and Organizational Performance

  • Ummu Ajirah Abdul Rauf
  • Juhaini Jabar
  • Nusaibah Mansor
  • Sabri Mohamad Sharif



The aim of this paper is to discuss on the concept of Intranet quality and organizational performance and further investigating the relationship between Intranet quality and organizational performance particularly in higher education institutions.


The work methodology of this paper is a discussion of the issues from a several of past literature review.


The relationship of Intranet quality and performance of higher education that discussed in this paper will contribute to the knowledge that is certainly limited in the literature and organizations will better understanding on how to improve their Intranet quality, thus lead to improving their performance.


This paper adapts the System Theory by Ludwig (1956) and Knowledge Management components by Rodriguez and Edwards (2014) and will be proposed in the context of public higher education institutions in Malaysia. This proposed framework can be used as a benchmark for quality accreditation in the future.

How to Cite
Rauf, U. A. A., Jabar, J., Mansor, N., & Sharif, S. M. (2019). The Association between Intranet Quality and Organizational Performance. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(1), 576 - 583. Retrieved from