The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Management on the Relation between TQM and Banking Service Performance: A Review

  • Khaled Almarimi
  • W. Jeberson


Several different banking systems face challenges because of the fast growth of technology. Practitioners of management have supported more innovation and creativity in procedures, management applications and lines of production. Though, total quality management systems have long been a main management performance. Knowledge management procedures obtain currently an acceptance incorporations. Moreover, service/product performance additionally gains significant interest and it could be considered as a critical point to keep sustainable benefit in the market. Such this research investigates the relation between service performance KM procedures and TQM systems.

How to Cite
Almarimi, K., & Jeberson, W. (2019). The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Management on the Relation between TQM and Banking Service Performance: A Review. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(1), 554 - 575. Retrieved from