Design and Implementation of an Automatic Voltage Regulator with a Great Precision and Proper Hysteresis

  • Mohammad Shah Alamgir
  • Sumit Dev


This research aims at the designing and implementation of an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) with higher precision and hysteresis. AC power supplied by PDB (Power development board) in Bangladesh is subjected to variation from time to time. Moreover in rural areas supplied voltage remains lower than specified. This causes a considerable threat to the sophisticated electronic devices like computer, refrigerator, television etc. So ensuring the input voltage to remain in a tolerable pre-specified limit has become a necessity in rural as well as some urban areas. Current systems available locally lacks precision and suffers the problem of oscillating between two output voltage and hence creating surge at the output which can damage valuable electronics. This research handled both shortcomings and introduced in the tolerable range of 215-237 volt using several taps. Hysteresis has been introduced while changing from one level to other and thus preventing oscillation.
How to Cite
Alamgir, M. S., & Dev, S. (2015). Design and Implementation of an Automatic Voltage Regulator with a Great Precision and Proper Hysteresis . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 18, 21 - 32. Retrieved from