Talent Retention in Telecommunication SMEs: Emerging Challenges and Prospective Solutions
The current study tries to understand the phenomenon of talent turnoverby means of Employee Voluntary Attrition. For emerging Telecommunication SMEs (small-to-medium enterprise), besides the tangible technological resources, the intangible intellect or human capital is of extreme importance. A persistent drain of these intellectual forces, make it tough for the organizations to survive & hence the current study is intended to understand the conjugal relation between the event of Employee Voluntary Attrition & various dependent variables that tune-in. The papers shall empirically study the event of Employee Voluntary Attrition (EVA) in a specific geography as elaborated in the study. The workshop shall try to focus on the Attrition (EVA) in congruence with the dependent variables of Monetary Dissatisfaction, Leadership, Job Specification – Environment, Work Hours – geography & its tune with the Dependent Variable. The study indicates that the significance of Leadership & Money is one of the most influential factors of Employee Attrition. The current study also proposes to check the influence of Employee Attrition on the growth of Telecom SMEs& its significant effect on the Financial Health of the Organizations. The study finds no significance between the event of Employee Attrition & geographical proximity as a variable.