Experimental Assessment of Freeware Penetration Testing Tools against Network Environment

  • Mohd Azahari Mohd Yusof
  • Abdul Samad Shibghatullah


Nowadays, penetration testing tools are very essential assessment tools that can be used by network administrator in an organization to find out any vulnerabilities and security threats in a network system or web application. The penetration testing tools can be obtained in the market by making a selection in terms of performance, reliability, compatibility and stability. This paper is prepared to make the selection and evaluation against the best three penetration testing tools have been selected in terms of performance. There are eight measurement parameters are used to evaluate its performance includes how many vulnerabilities can be detected, speed of scanning activities, report of vulnerabilities, signature method, user facilities, up-to-date database, integrated technology and intelligent tool. The evaluation has been conducted and the results show Acunetix is the best tool compared to the other two tools that have been evaluated.

How to Cite
Yusof, M. A. M., & Shibghatullah, A. S. (2019). Experimental Assessment of Freeware Penetration Testing Tools against Network Environment. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(1), 339 - 350. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/399