An Application of Decision-Making Problem Using Hexagonal and Pentagonal Fuzzy Number Matrix

  • Rajkalpana M et. al


In this modern world, decision making plays an important role in the application of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy set theory is remarkably apt and relevant for evolving knowledge in the field of fuzzy decision. As it is the highest endeavor in scientific, economic and social way there exists number of approaches in the concept of fuzzy decision making. In this article, we mainly focus on decision making using hexagonal and pentagonal fuzzy number matrix. We have tested the approach in hexagonal and pentagonal fuzzy number matrix to make better decision under fuzzy environment. In this article, we use Ranking method to deal the ambiguity and imprecise information. The value of this notion is illustrated by the suitable examples.

How to Cite
et. al, R. M. (2020). An Application of Decision-Making Problem Using Hexagonal and Pentagonal Fuzzy Number Matrix. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2613 - 2617. Retrieved from