Sensory Characterization and Nutrient Analysis of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas Linn.) Pie

  • Ronald M. Ramirez


Sweet potato products are good sources of nutrients. Sweet potato pie locally called as “Camote Pie” was prepared by using standard methods. Organoleptic evaluation was conducted. There were four treatments as to crust and filling preparations. Crust preparation is a mixture of all-purpose flour and sweet potato flour in different variations. For filling preparation is composed of cooked sweet potato, evaporated milk and water in different variations. Results revealed for sensory evaluation that in terms of odor, texture, flavor and general acceptability all the treatments for fillings were liked very much while for crust the texture and flavor were like moderately by the panelists and consumers. Nutrient composition of the product contained 13% calories, 30% cholesterol, 15% total carbohydrates and 8% protein. The nutrition facts of camote pie for a 900g content is based on 2015 RENI PDRI adult requirements of 19-29 years old male.  Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that there is a high significant mean difference on the panelists’ perception for crust and filling texture, odor, and flavor but no significant difference on camote pie general acceptability.

How to Cite
Ronald M. Ramirez. (2018). Sensory Characterization and Nutrient Analysis of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas Linn.) Pie. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 24, 140-152. Retrieved from