Optimization of Sewer Design Using Ant Colony Optimization

  • Dr. Varinder Singh


The problem of waste water collection and disposal is growing complicated and expensive as a result of fast urbanisation coupled with population growth amenities, implementation of pollution control regulations, and increased awareness of cleanliness. The cost of a sewage collecting system accounts for a significant portion of the total cost of waste disposal. As a result, upgrading sewage system design may save a lot of money. The two key components that contribute to the expense of a sewage system are diameter and slope. In this study, ant colony optimization (ACO), a new and strong intelligent evolution approach, is used to solve the optimization issue by creating an objective function. FORTRAN is used to code the suggested algorithm. Then, by optimising the objective function, the ACO algorithm was applied to the design of a sewage system. The collected findings show that the suggested strategy is promising in terms of sewage system optimum design.

How to Cite
Dr. Varinder Singh. (2019). Optimization of Sewer Design Using Ant Colony Optimization. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(17), 1055 - 1062. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/37796