Emotional Intelligence is Required in all Facets of Life:

  • Dr. Rajinder Kapil, Dr. Vijay Bhardwaj


The phrase "emotional intelligence" was coined by two researchers, Peter Salavoy and John Mayer, and popularised by Daniel Goleman in his book of the same name.

Emotional intelligence refers to a person's capacity to regulate and control his or her emotions, as well as the ability to govern the emotions of others—in other words, the able to motivate the emotional responses of others.

Emotional intelligence is the most significant talent in today's world, with a wide variety of capabilities. It is utilised all throughout the place and by everyone. It is critical in today's world, when the ever-changing nature of work, fierce competition, and quickly evolving technology demand dynamic mental abilities from everyone. The first and most important benefit is the largest spectrum of acceptability by individuals, as well as improved performance. Personal relationships that are healthy and effective, a life that is simple and adaptable, and physical and mental wellness. Every day success comes from living a self-motivated and results-oriented life. The author goes on to examine some key features of emotional intelligence in relation to many facets of global civilization..

How to Cite
Dr. Rajinder Kapil, Dr. Vijay Bhardwaj. (2019). Emotional Intelligence is Required in all Facets of Life: . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(17), 1051 - 1054. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/37795