Does Dynamic Capabilities Enhance Algerian Firm Export Performance? Role of Innovation ambidexterity and Strategic Planning Effectiveness
Across the globe, executives and managers recognized that one of the successful ways toward survival and further growth is the export and internationalization of their businesses (Namada et al., 2017). Studies found that export performance plays a significant role in enhancing gross domestic products of the nations and lead to provide a wide range of products to international markets (Bianchi & Wickramasekera, 2016). Export performance is an important tool for those seeking to achieve their desires and goals (Celec, Globocnik, & Kruse, 2014). Therefore, the increased attention made by that businessmen and nations due to its strategic benefits regarding the manipulation of foreign markets and delivering such cultures and values with the spread of this variety of products (Rebrab, 2015). Academics as well give more attention to address this phenomenon for better understanding of the consequences and antecedent of superior export performance (Namada et al., 2017).