An Evaluation of the Channel Parameters for Optimum Energy Dissipation in Open Channel Flow System
Hydraulic jump is a useful means of dissipating excess energy and prevent scour below overflow spillways, chutes and sluices. In situations where the downstream depth is larger than the sequentdepthforanormaljump,adropinthechannelfloormaybeusedtoensurea jump. A hydraulic model investigation is conducted to evaluate the amount of energy dissipated by the hydraulicjumpinasloping channel with different slope and four different types of weirs. All the four different types of weirs were inserted in the channel to form the hydraulic jump together with three different channel slopes. Fromtheentiretestruns, amount of energy dissipated by the hydraulic jumps were calibrated with the experimental data to relate these energy losses for different types of weirs for various inflow velocity and to find out the best weir which can dissipate maximum amount of energy for the particular inflow velocity.