The Implementation of QR Codes for Aircraft Disassemble Part and NDT Equipment Inventory System for Documentation Purpose

  • A. Azizan
  • A. Hamzah
  • K. Johari


This study aims to determine how effective it can be for the implementation of QR code on aircraft disassemble parts inventory for NDT inspection. To develop this system, it starts with QR code generation, list all aircraft disassemble part list. Then continue with scanner calibration on the laptop. After the scanner calibration finish, proceed with Microsoft Excel Design. Finish the design and combine the detail information of aircraft parts, QR barcodes, the scanner, staff or technician id and the Microsoft Excel into 1 system that call aircraft to disassemble parts software. It is suggested that future research can be done on necessary modification so the system can work properly in industry field. Finally the system goes through a scanner test and time test. The new QR code system precedes manual recording during the experiment. This data proved that the new QR code system have better time efficiency and proper documentation compare to manual recording on maintenance release tag. The system would enhance the aircraft technician or staff understanding the application of the system. This is due to the fact that visual learning would give a better understanding compared to theoretical alone elements.

How to Cite
Azizan, A., Hamzah, A., & Johari, K. (2019). The Implementation of QR Codes for Aircraft Disassemble Part and NDT Equipment Inventory System for Documentation Purpose. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(6), 86 - 90. Retrieved from