Measurement of atmospheric pressure, temperature above Geopathic Stress Zone
The purpose of this paper is to measure atmospheric pressure (P) and temperature (T) in the Geopathic stress zone (GSZ) region above the surface of the earth in 15 locations in the Deccan Trap flood basalt region of Pune region, Maharashtra, India. Using the L-rod the deflection can identify GSZ areas, in addition to identifying the local division of L-rods occurs and marking the edges of the GSZ. A digital barometer was used to record atmospheric pressure and temperature, the results showing that both P (≈940.218hPa to 953.888hPa) and T (≈307.81k to 312.31k) were higher than non-GSZ. Analysis shows that measuring atmospheric pressure and temperature is an effective way to locate that GSZ field and measure its location.