Web Scrapping as Pre-Processing Method to Indentify Current Careers and Trends in Information and Communication Technologies

  • Eka Angga laksana


Rapid growth of the internet has made change in information and technology industries. Informatics departments as part of higher education studies has responsibility to create curriculum which adapt industrial needs. This paper shows the potential information hidden in internet then by using web scrapping method has enable academic people to automatically collect careers information in ICT industries. The experiment has successfully collected about 800 jobs information related to ICT industries. This study is important as preprocessing of the data mining process. Therefore, it would be easier for the next research to find out the current trend in information and Communication Technologies.


How to Cite
laksana, E. A. (2019). Web Scrapping as Pre-Processing Method to Indentify Current Careers and Trends in Information and Communication Technologies. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(6), 51 - 54. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/369