Canonical Correlation Analysis of Some Crimes Rate and Unemployment in Nigeria (1999-2019)
In the 21st century, the internet has become a quicker platform through which crimes are reported to the public. Crime is an important topic and is of interest to us because of the consequences and penalties it attracts. This work the study is to show the pattern and crime rate in Nigeria. Then, show the relationships that exist between crime figures and employment status/gender by using canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Secondary method of Data collection was employed. The findings reveal Burglary as the most common crime type reported over the period, followed by Murder. The trend employed trend analysis in time series, correlation and Canonical Correlation Analysis with a statistical software called Minitab 18. However, the aim of analysis reveals no trend for Murder, upward trend for Armed Robbery and downward trend for both bribery/corruption and Burglary. For correlation studies, it reveals that there is a relationship among the pairs considered at 0.05 level of significance and the CCA suggest variable (Burglary) on both ESG variables are significant (that is sex and employment status of the crime figures are significant than other SCR variables “Murder, Armed Robbery, Bribery and corruption”).