• S K Ganesh Kumar Pedapudi et. al


Systems would provide and retaliate different aspects of signal its multi-behavioural approach measuring the timing scenarios. Designers for modelling the reconfiguration of the design and its hardware would provide digital architecture for upcoming changes in FPGA's. Considering the changes and its upgrades of each design modules for each current application scenario which improvises latencies and different power related aspects, reset,or firmware changes. Signals that have to be recovered would provide an uncertainty of phase changes which are addressed by the registers and counters that would be precise and accurate in the range of a few picoseconds. In current application of design aspect controller and processing are the principal aspects of the design and its real time analysis that would provide prospective scenario in analysing the data or phases to known or unknown scenarios.The current design aspects of the Industrial scenarios where the design specializes each such models to improvise in differences for formulating criteria that lead to develop a novel model and its implementationaspects. Each such models would require a parametric criteria to enforce and enact formulations. To model and develop high frequency PWM controller using FPGA. Pulse width modulation (PWM) has been widely used in communication and control system. PWM control is the most powerful technique that offers a simple method for controlling of Analog systems with digital output. The simulated results having PWM frequencies up to 10-200 MHz can be produced with a duty cycle resolution of 0.19%. The Verilogmodelling is used in the design process of PWM.

How to Cite
et. al, S. K. G. K. P. (2020). IMPLEMENTING AND MODELLING PWM CONTROL AND ITS DUTY-PHASE CHANGES USING VERILOG. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2370 - 2378. Retrieved from