Modeling Optimal Double Sampling Plan using the Truncated Poisson Distribution

  • Subramani Kandasamy et. al


We have made a work to construct optimal attribute double sampling plan using the truncated Poisson distribution. The producers and the consumers are known as the single party while taking the final decision. The risk of the sellers and the buyers are derived by means of acceptance of quality level and Limiting Quality Level values. Here Truncated Poisson distribution is used to improve the efficiency of risks for both the parties. The sampling plan used in this article is particularly useful for finding reliability of the completed goods in shop floor conditions. In this paper for various operating ratios we have found the total sum of risk using Truncated Poisson distribution.

How to Cite
et. al, S. K. (2020). Modeling Optimal Double Sampling Plan using the Truncated Poisson Distribution. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 2061 - 2069. Retrieved from